Friday, September 16, 2022

Significant Things to Know About Obtaining Prostate MRI


Do you have an idea that one in nine men is diagnosed with prostate cancer? Moreover, a lot of cases of prostate cancer would grow easily but the spread is just so slow. This also often goes in unnoticed.


In this case, what is magnetic resonance imaging? This test is useful for diagnosing specific medical conditions. This also utilizes a powerful magnetic field, computers, and radio waves. It also produces body structure images. It never utilizes ionizing radiation such as CT scans and x-ray.


The detailed and specified MRI images would enable radiologists of examining the body and detecting diseases. It is the radiologist who will be reading the examination and sending the detailed report following the referring physician.


Common Prostate MRI Uses

The doctor will be using the MRI in evaluating prostate cancer. One will be seeing if it comes limited with prostate. Information will be provided by MRI regarding the way blood and water molecules flow in the prostate. This will help determine if the cancer is around and if it is already aggressive. This will also guide the doctor to know if it spread. The prostate MRI is also required in evaluating prostate problems like abscess or infection, enlarged prostate, pelvic surgery complications, and congenital abnormalities. It could also tell if there is a difference between normal tissues and diseased tissues through CT, ultrasound, and x-ray.


Common Preparations

In regard to the preparations for prostate MRI, you will have to change and wear a hospital gown. You may be permitted in wearing specific clothing if it has not any metal fastener and if it comes loose-fitting. There will be a specific regimen for bowel preparation that will finish up the test. Now, the prostate will be next to the rectum. So, there must be no gas or stool in the colon during a test. Just refrain from eating four hours before the test. Drink some liquids up until the time of reaching the test. Moreover, you will be required of urinating before the test to get your bladder as emptied as possible.


It is good if you will avoid caffeine for the next twenty-four hours for the MRI. Never get engaged in sex forty-eight hours before the test. The physician will also be waiting six weeks after the prostate biopsy in having a prostate MRI. This will make it sure of very clear images.


It is best to talk to the technologist. It is at times, needed, to get an MRI contrast injection through your vein. This contrast is requested by the physician to help see specific diseases a lot better. Also, inform the technologist if there are electronic or medical implants in the body. The devices could interfere with the said examination. A lot of implants may have a card that explains the risks of MRI for a specific device.


Length of Time of Prostate MRI

The prostate MRI will usually consume forty-five minutes. Be more aware of holding still for the examination. Any sort of motion could result in blurry images. This will further reduce the images and their details. If there’s severe pain, discuss it best with an attending doctor regarding pain medications before the test. This will enable you of holding still for MRI.


So, keep these significant things in mind in obtaining a prostate MRI!

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