Friday, August 19, 2022

When Do You Need A Mammogram?


A mammography exam is crucial in detecting breast cancer. With a Toowoomba mammogram, you are more likely to find out early breast cancer before it has spread before there are any obvious signs of the disease. Simply put, early detection improves your odds of getting an effective treatment.


For women under 40.  Women who are at average risk for breast cancer do not need to get mammograms until 40 years old. But, if a close family member has been diagnosed with breast cancer, it is better to get annual mammograms at least 10 years before the age your relative had the disease. If you are at high risk for breast cancer, consult with your primary care physician for screening recommendations.


For women above 40.  You should schedule a Toowoomba mammogram every year, starting at age 40. You do not need a referral or a doctor’s order for a screening. Also, most insurance policies should pay for your mammogram if you are age 40 or older.


Signs You Need to Get a Mammogram (regardless of your age)


Abnormal nipples. Milk should be the only thing that should come out of your nipples. If you are not breastfeeding, then there should be no discharge. Abnormal discharge such as blood can be an indication of breast cancer. Other changes to the nipples, including pulling in, reddening, or flaky skin may also be symptoms.  Schedule a Toowoomba mammogram if you notice any of these abnormalities.


Lump. It is one of the telltale signs of breast cancer. If you feel a lump in your breast that was not there before, talk to your doctor immediately.  A mammogram is the next course of action to take. There is no way to tell if it is benign or cancerous without getting a screening done. In some cases, a lump in the armpit or underarm area can also mean there are tumors in the breasts.


Pain. Occasional pain in your breast is not a cause for concern. This is likely due to fluctuating hormones, like during or right before your period. If your breasts hurt frequently, this can be a symptom that you need a mammogram. Some women with breast cancer claim to have no noticeable manifestations, but many experience discomfort and pain, leading them to seek out a doctor.


Swelling. If there is swelling in a certain part of your breast, it is a possible indication of breast cancer. This may include irritation, heat, dimpling, or reddening of the skin. If you experience any of these symptoms, consult with your doctor. The medical professional will suggest you get a mammogram exam.


Change in Size. It is normal for the breasts to change in size over time because hormones rise and fall irregularly. But, there is a drastic change in the size or form of one of your breasts; this is a cause for concern. Also, changes in the thickness and texture of your skin are not normal. The next thing you need to do is talk to your doctor who will likely order you to get a mammogram to check for tumors and cancer.

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