Monday, June 13, 2022

Painless, Non-Invasive, Safe


MRI Toowoomba stands for magnetic resonance imaging and is another medical imaging procedure like the ultrasound, for instance. However, in MRI, a magnetic field and radio waves are used to take pictures inside the body.


Mainly, the work is used to investigate conditions that affect the soft tissues like tumors and other brain disorders. This is usually the alternative of doctors to collect pictures of soft tissues (other organs and muscles) that do not show up in X-ray examinations.


Differences: MRI and X-rays


The normal X-ray procedure is able to image calcium. This capacity is perfect for X-rays in looking at the bones of the body. (Bones mainly contain calcium.)


In MRI Toowoomba, the scanning process can image water. This is useful for the simple fact that all of the body’s tissues contain varying amounts of water.


Normal x-rays image calcium, so they are good in looking at bones. The MRI Toowoomba scans can image water. This makes them very useful because all of the body’s tissues contain varying amounts of water.


During the imaging of water, the body’s tissues allow high-resolution pictures of organs and tissues.


MRI procedure


In the scan for MRI, a big sliding table goes inside the larger cylinder. Inside the cylinder is a magnet that creates a powerful magnetic field.


The body’s soft tissues all have water molecules. The magnetic field acts on the microscopic substances (the proton parts of the atoms) present in the water. The magnetized protons send out an echo in response to the radio waves of the MRI scan.


A computer will then organize these echoes and turn these into images. The scan can take cross-sectional images of the patient’s body from almost any angle. These images are examined slice by slice or a composite (when needed) is formed to investigate or diagnose the tissue’s conditions, including cancer.


Most often, the conditions are soft tissue injuries (damaged ligaments, joint injury or disease, spinal injury, injuries of the internal organs which include the brain, heart and digestive organs.


The MRI scans bring out detailed and clear images of these soft tissues. However, it cannot visualize the body’s bones. Regular X-rays are then used to examine bone damages, diseases, and other irregularities.




Not everyone can be put under an MRI scan, without precautionary considerations. For one, metals can be affected by the magnetic fields of the scanning process.


The patient should inform the medical provider on any internal devices or implants in their body (pacemakers, metal pins, medication pumps)


Likewise, it is still unknown how MRI can affect fetuses. If you are pregnant (or think you are), you need to inform the medical authorities on your condition.


More conditions


During the MRI scan, you shall be advised by your doctor not to drink or eat for at least five hours before the procedure. It is good to avoid food and drinks altogether before and after the process.


People with claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces), need to inform the doctor. You might be given some medications to help you relax during the process. Children are usually given anti-anxiety medication before they undergo MRI to relax them.


Otherwise, MRI is non-invasive, painless and safe.

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