Thursday, June 17, 2021

The Most Common Types of Radiology Procedures

 Have you ever experienced being asked to undergo a procedure to check for a broken bone, or for a suspected mass or tumor in whatever part of your body? If you answer yes, then I'm sure you've undergone some type of radiologic procedure! According to medical experts, radiology is defined as a branch or specialty of medicine wherein images of the body's various organs are imaged, and interpreted in order to diagnose a disease or ailment. The professional who specializes in these types of procedures is called a “radiologist”. Read on to learn about the most common types of radiology Mackay procedures. 


X-rays are a conventional form of radiology Mackay. The procedure involves penetrating the body with radio and magnetic waves, although a portion of the rays are absorbed by the tissue encountered. The unabsorbed rays are collected on film, or digital media,  to produce radiologic images. 


Ultrasound is another common type of radiology Mackay, and is defined as a method wherein images of the human body are obtained through the use of high-frequency sound waves. In this procedure, the high-frequency sound waves play a vital role in generating real-time images. 

The good thing with ultrasound is that it does not use radiation, and is completely painless too. Ultrasound is used to examine various body organs like arteries and veins, subcutaneous tissue and muscle, the liver, bile ducts, spleen, pancreas and kidneys, and the genital organs including the prostate, testicles, uterus and ovaries. 


Mammograms are often hailed as the best friend or savior of women, as it generates images of the breasts to detect for the growth of potentially cancerous tumors. An additional test however may need to be performed depending on the result. 

Magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI)

an MRI is a procedure which does not involve the use of X-rays, but involves the electromagnetic properties of the body when it's subjected to an intense magnetic field. The machine that's used to perform the MRI is a very powerful magnet, through which RF or radio-frequency waves pass. 

The machine which delivers the combined energy is then utilize to detect hydrogen atoms or protons in the body organs, and is followed by a computer which reconstructs images from the hydrogen protons distributed around the body. 

CT Scans

CT scans are another common form of radiology Mackay, which involves the use of a table for the patient to lie on, and a special radiologic device  with an opening in which the table will be inserted  during the examination. CT scans are deemed truly useful for imaging and analyzing various types of tissue like the lungs, bone and joints, blood vessels and abdominal viscera. 


Angiography is another common radiology Mackay procedure today, which is helpful in examining the blood vessels to determine if there's arterial thrombosis, blood vessel malformations , bleeding or presence of tumors. The procedure is often executed under general anesthesia.

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