Friday, November 29, 2019

Things to Consider Before Undergoing a Toowoomba Breast Ultrasound

Maybe your doctor has finally requested a Toowoomba breast ultrasound. Understand that this one is a painless and safe procedure using sound waves in seeing the inside of your body. It scans the lumps and other unusual findings and scans them completely. That way, your doctor would know what is found in it.

Toowoomba breast ultrasound is designed to identify the spaces filled with fluid like the cysts. It also is useful when examining both saline and silicone breast implants. At the Toowoomba breast ultrasound center, an expert team of nurses, physicians and technologists will be there ready to provide ultrasound imaging for you.

Tips Before the Exam
Previous mammograms must be made available to compare the current breast ultrasound study. The previously-captured mammogram films should be brought on the day of the exam.
The schedule of the Toowoomba breast ultrasound should not fall one week before the menstrual cycle. This is due to the reason that the breasts are still sensitive during this time.
When your doctor instructed you to do so, you need to bring it with you. The waiting time will as well be kept at a minimum. Therefore, you need to bring a book, a music player, or a favorite magazine to pass the time.

During the Exam
You need to lie on your back just there at the examination table. Now your hands should be placed on both sides. Apply a warm gel or a hair-styling gel to your breast. This will help so that the sound waves travel right from the machine down to your breast.

A small device called the transducer will be placed above your breast. No need to worry as this is painless. However, mild pressure is felt right from the transducer.

The sound waves will then bounce off off the tissues found in your breast. That’s when the waves create echoes. And these echoes are reflected the transducer. This now converts them into electronic signals. Through the computer, the signals are thereby produced into pictures. And they are then shown on a television monitor.

The images moving are viewed immediately. They also are photographed for further studies and examinations. While the images go through a review of an imaging physician, this professional will determine the additional images needed for a complete examination.

The Toowoomba breast ultrasound will take approximately thirty minutes.

After the Exam
The Toowoomba breast ultrasound will be reviewed by the imaging physician. The result will then be sent to the doctor. The doctor will discuss the results and explain to you what it could mean to your health.

And if you have problems, these will also be discussed to you. You could request for copies of the pictures on a PC. You may schedule an appointment for a Toowoomba breast ultrasound if you are decided in having the examination.

Now, you have learned more about the things to consider before finally undergoing a Toowoomba breast ultrasound. That way you will know whatever issue you may have.

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