Sunday, June 23, 2019

Significantly Reduces Your Risk of Dying

A lot of misconceptions about mammograms occur especially when it is time for your first mammogram.  You might be afraid to have one, as nearly everyone knows someone with breast cancer. On the other hand, you might think you are in good health and do not need one. However, regular mammogram can find or detect early breast cancer when it is easiest to treat and treatment in the early stages significantly reduces your risk of dying from the disease. Screening mammograms can read within a few days. First, the report sent to the physician, and a few days later, a letter has mailed to the patient advising her whether the mammogram is normal of if she needs to return for follow-up tests. Mammogram is not only to screen for breast cancer, but also to diagnose, evaluate, and follow people who have had breast cancer, which made the most important tool of doctors. A mammogram is an x-ray is a safe and reasonably accurate photograph of the breast for women at average risk. Mammogram screening should be performed annually beginning at age 40 to check the breasts for any early signs of breast cancer.

If you are nearing 40, you may be wondering if it is time to add a yearly mammogram to your healthcare routine. Although several major health organizations recommend starting mammogram at different ages, it is important to talk to your doctor to assess your personal risk and family history to make an informed decision about when breast cancer screenings are right for you. Some women are concerned about the radiation from the mammogram, however, the dosage is small, and technology continues to improve to ensure that mammograms are as safe as possible. Time constraints are often a consideration. Fear that the mammogram will hurt is also an issue for some women, but with advances in technology, the procedure itself has improved.  The mammogram procedure can be a bit uncomfortable but it is quick and well worth the time if the result is early detection of cancer. Abnormalities in mammogram are not always cancer.  Other issues are things such as cysts.  If there is a cancer diagnosis, the earlier a tumor will found the better outcomes.

Diagnostic mammograms are different from screening mammogram. Diagnostic mammogram focuses on getting more information are about specific areas of concern. Diagnostic mammogram is because of a suspicious screening mammogram or a suspicious lump. More research needed to understand the implications of the distress reported by women following false-positive mammogram. Anxiety after a false-positive mammogram may affect women differently; among some women, exhibiting proactive health behaviors and others exhibiting avoidance behaviors. Brief interventions should seek to reduce distress and encourage continued cancer prevention activities. Diagnostic mammograms take more pictures than screening mammograms do. Another factor influencing mammogram recommendations is the issues of breast density have an increased rate of developing breast cancer, about three to five times higher than with low density or entirely fatty breast tissue. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer and mammogram has offered to women every 2 years to screen for breast cancer. Women with abnormal mammogram will recalled for further assessment.

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