Sunday, September 29, 2019

Safe and Painless

MRI Brain Mackay is a safe and painless test that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed images of the brain and the brain stem. These detailed images can detect a variety of conditions of the brain like tumors, cysts, bleeding, and swelling, including structural abnormalities, infections, and damage caused by injuries or a stroke.

This is different from a CT scan (also called a CAT scan) because it does not use radiation.

The radio waves manipulate the position of the atoms and the signal is sent to a computer which results in clear, cross-sectional black and white images and can be converted into three-dimensional pictures. This helps pinpoint problems in the brain for medical authorities to analyze.

Evaluating problems

The scan on the brain is useful in evaluating problems like persistent headaches, dizziness, weakness, blurry visions, and seizures. It can help detect chronic diseases of the nervous system like multiple sclerosis, for instance.

In certain cases, MRI can produce clear images of brain parts not seen as well when using X-ray, CAT scan or ultrasound. This is particularly helpful in diagnosing problems of the pituitary gland and the brain stem.


Brain scans do not require special preparation. Technicians, however, will need to make the patient remove any objects containing metal (eyeglasses, jewelry and the like). They are also instructed to make sure there are no internal metal clips or the like from previous surgeries as these might cause a problem near a strong magnetic field.

If it is a child, you need to instruct them to be still during the scan. For babies and young kids, sedation are sometimes administered to keep them still, especially those having trouble relaxing in a closed space.

Contrast solutions

To detect particular problems, a child may be given a painless contrast solution which works to highlight certain areas so doctors can see more detail in specific areas, unless your child is allergic to such solutions.

The MRI of the brain usually lasts from 30 to 45 minutes. Sedation wears off in one to two hours and the contract solutions given should pass through the body in about 24 hours.


The MRI scan is painless, and your child can immediately return to normal routines and diet after the scan.

The images produced by the MRI are then viewed by a radiologist specially trained in interpreting these scans. The radiologist will then send a report to the attending doctor and discuss these with the patients concerned. Typically, these results cannot be given directly to the patients or family. (Results are immediately available only in emergency cases.)


As they are, MRIs are safe and no health risks had been associated with the magnetic field or the radio waves used.  The waves are low-energy waves and there is no radiation. The process can be repeated without any side effects.

If the patient (especially children) have allergies which might be caused by the contrast solution, or if the child is uncomfortable with sedation, there is need to discuss this with the attending physician on the risks and benefits of such actions needed in an MRI procedure.